I Got This

I Got This

How many times have you said to yourself, “I got this”?

I can tell you first hand, I say it a lot especially lately. When we have setbacks and limitations, it’s even more important to never stop trying. Small wins are important.  Being able to wash my clothes, clean the kitchen, cook, and sometimes even being able to get dressed is a win.  

Here are some affirmations to help you on your journey. Wake up every morning for the next 7 days and read these. Then reflect on how you felt your week went.


Being self-reliant is important to me.

Recognizing that I have the power to create the life I desire makes me happy.
My self-reliance ensures I live a more fulfilling existence each day.
Because I am self-directed, I know that whatever trial faces me, I can navigate it successfully. 

I am strong enough to make my own decisions and live my own life.
It brings me considerable peace to realize I determine my own life’s journey.

When I believe in myself, the world becomes more exciting and less scary.
I depend on myself and nobody else.
I am unfettered by the judgments of others when I make choices in my daily life.

Knowing myself well helps me to recognize my inner strength.
I have a great capacity for dealing with life as it happens and can pivot as necessary.
Of all the personal character traits I possess, my self-reliance helps more than any other.
I have quiet self-confidence because I am free to be me.

Today, I know I can decide what I want to do with each moment.
Carving out my own space in this world is exhilarating.
Each day, I embrace my freedom to choose where I live and work.
I am truly proud of myself.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What degree of freedom do I have to control and direct my own life?
  2. Who else do I know who shows the character trait of self-reliance?
  3. What is one thing I can do each day to demonstrate that I am free to make my own choices?

Dawn Hurlebaus