Category Archives: Motivation Inspiration

Gardening can teach you a lot about life. Let’s talk about what can you learn from gardening. Appreciate Small Things. Small beginnings are essential in plants and trees. Oak trees…

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garden bench

Finding the Time to Do the Things You Love Time is at a premium these days. It’s hard to find someone who complains about having too much time on their…

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How many times have you said to yourself, “I got this”? I can tell you first hand, I say it a lot especially lately. When we have setbacks and limitations,…

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Since moving to the Savannah area, I have really enjoyed our day trips to the many surrounding areas. From walking on the beach on Tybee Island to having lunch on…

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How do you want to be remembered? When I think of leaving a legacy behind, I don’t think of the tangibles like a business, money, or your assets. Leaving a…

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How many of you feel you are NOT creative? Nope, when you were born you were skipped over… you did not win this gene! I am here to say you…

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Are you ready to take control of your life by taking action? Having a stroke at the age of 56 was the last thing I ever thought would happen to…

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Closing my eyes and listening to music that moves through my veins, I am free.Driving down the winding road on the path set before me, I am free.Filling my soul with the…

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10/24/2022, DAY 1 in ROME Sightseeing One of the best-kept secrets in Rome is to see the Colosseum at sunrise so we got up really early to do just that.…

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How uncomfortable is sitting in silence for you? For many, the answer is”very” uncomfortable. It takes a great deal of discipline to be still, close our eyes, and open our…

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